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Fluency is the ability to read expressively and meaningfully, as well as accurately and with appropriate speed.  A fluent reader can read smoothly with automaticity, speed, and prosody.  Accuracy in word decoding, is when the reader is able to sound out words with little error.  Automatic processing is when the reader uses little effort to decode the words.  Prosody is when the person is able to master pitch, pauses, punctuation and dialect.  When a person reads with accuracy, automaticity, and prosody the reader will gather meaning, leading to comprehension.  Fluency also leads to comprehension because readers spend less energy decoding words and more energy on making meaning of the text.


Affective fluency instruction involves instruction, practice and assessment.  Fluency practice includes practicing reading with independent level text*, repeated reading, partner reading, model reading and reading aloud.  Predictable texts are books that can be read easily.  Examples include chain or circular story, cumulative story, pattern story, and question and answer.  These texts have a setting that is predictable to children and enhances fluency because it cause them to read with ease.  

*Independent level text: the level of text where a student can read on their own without any assistance. Students independent reading level means they can read with a 90-95% accuracy rate.

Other strategies to teach fluency include:


Choral reading-reading aloud in unison with a whole class or a group of students


Echo Reading- teacher reads a line of a story and then the students echo but reading the same line back, imitating the teachers voice. 


Reader's theater:  oral presentation of drama, prose, or poetry by multiple readers.


Assessing Fluency- The DIBELS Oral Reading assessment, evaluates fluency through measuring a person's speed and accuracy.  






An activity to enhance fluency is the following:  


​In this activity, the students roll a dice and read in the emotion they get.  This activity helps student's prosody.


Another activity to enhance fluency is the following:


In this activity, the students race to find a "match" which is a completing phonogram.  This activity helps student's fluency by helping them read to understand whole thoughts and figure out new words quickly based on patterns.




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